Learning Web3 using Lord of Ring Analogies

Understanding Web3
May 9, 2023

If you're a fan of the Lord of the Rings series, you know that the world of Middle-earth is filled with diverse races, cultures, and magical artifacts. In the same way, the world of web3, or decentralized applications built on blockchain technology, is filled with a variety of components that work together to create a decentralized ecosystem.

The world of web3 and blockchain technology can be a confusing and overwhelming place for those new to the space. However, by using analogies from one of the most beloved stories of all time—The Lord of the Rings—we can begin to understand and wrap our heads around these key concepts.

Blockchain as the One Ring

First, let's start with the concept of a blockchain. In the world of The Lord of the Rings, a blockchain can be thought of as the One Ring. Just as the One Ring holds immense power and can be used to control the other rings, a blockchain holds immense power and can be used to control other transactions or information. Just as the One Ring can only be wielded by certain individuals, a blockchain can only be accessed by certain individuals or groups with the proper permissions.

Smart Contracts as Pledges or Promises

Next, let's look at smart contracts. In the world of The Lord of the Rings, a smart contract can be thought of as a pledge or promise made between two parties, much like the promise made between Frodo and Sam to complete their journey to Mordor. Just as this promise was codified and upheld through their actions, a smart contract is a set of predetermined rules and conditions that are automatically enforced through the blockchain.

dApps as the Council of Elrond

Now, let's examine dApps, or decentralized applications. In The Lord of the Rings, a dApp can be thought of as the Council of Elrond, where all members of the council had equal say and decision-making power. Just as the Council of Elrond was decentralized and not controlled by any one individual or group, a dApp is decentralized and not controlled by any one company or organization.

NFTs as the Shards of Narsil

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital assets that cannot be exchanged for other items of equal value. In the Lord of the Rings, NFTs can be thought of as the shards of Narsil, the sword of Elendil. Just as each shard of Narsil is unique and has its own value, an NFT is a unique digital asset with its own value.

DAOs as the Free Peoples of Middle-earth

Finally, let's talk about DAOs, or decentralized autonomous organizations. In The Lord of the Rings, a DAO can be thought of as the Free Peoples of Middle-earth, a group of individuals who came together to fight against the forces of Sauron. Just as the Free Peoples were a decentralized group with their own set of rules and decision-making processes, a DAO is a decentralized group with its own set of rules and processes for making decisions.

By using these Lord of the Rings analogies, we can begin to understand and comprehend the complex concepts of web3 and blockchain technology. Just as Frodo and his companions journeyed through Middle-earth on their quest to destroy the One Ring, we too can journey through the world of web3 and use these concepts to our advantage.


Web3 and blockchain technology are still in their early stages of development, but they have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the internet. By understanding the key concepts of web3 and blockchain technology, we can be a part of this revolution and help shape the future of the internet.

About Author

Praneet Sinha

Co-founder & CEO of MoonGate with 5+ yrs of building products in the space Web2 and Web3

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